“The Unwanted rocks! It grabbed me from the very beginning and kept me guessing what would happen next. Before I knew it, I was hooked!” CHASE VON Author of Pink, Blue and Green, Your Chance To Hear The Last Panther Speak
“To weave a complex, dark story like this around Christian protagonists and values is quite a feat. Daniel L. Carter is a literary force to be reckoned with—a modern-day C. S. Lewis.” BETTY DRAVIS Author of Dream Reachers (with Chase Von)
“If you are like myself, enjoying books both riveting and on-the-edge-of-your-seat exciting, then this is the book for you.” SUSAN PETTRONE susanvoraciousreader.blogspot.com
“In The Unwanted, Daniel L. Carter has developed the very world of today, yet covered it with a sheen of other worldliness, seeming to set up a futuristic place rife with possibilities and powers.” LESLIE wrighton-time.blogspot.com
“You need to get this book NOW! It is captivating, compelling, and simply amazing!” KIMBERLY S. COLE kmomjdk.blogspot.com
"The Unwanted is probably one of the most imaginative works of the genre I’ve ever read." BRUCE JUDISCH Author of Katia, A Prophet's Tale: Book 1, The Journey Begun and Book 2, The Word Fulfilled
Born out of vengeance, five discarded children must fight to keep their family safe from the homicidal geneticist who created them. Millions of lives stand in the balance as sacrifices are made. This family will never be the same as heroes rise and fall in The Unwanted Book 1 of The G-6 Chronicles.
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A family torn apart. One brother dead and another on the run. With the help of FBI agent Nick Catlin, Anna and her family must save Marcus from the darkness that is coming.
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